Varenna: Art at Vezio Castle
Vezio Castle is more then just old walls and towers. There is a wonderful display of art all around made by local artists including wooden statues by Luigi Gambato, totems by Sergio Pagliai, and very etherial white ghosts lounging throughout the castle and gardens made of white plaster and gauze. Each spring, volunteers pose for the plastering, having to stay completely still for about an hour, and then it’s pealed away, placed in the gardens and stays there until winter snowfall destroys them. They are made again in the following spring. Loved all the art. And then the aromatic flowers and olive groves and succulents and cypresses and...well you get the picture. Oh...and the best views of the lake from up there. And just for good measure...more pics of Artü, the 14 year old Eurasain eagle owl. All making it well worth the climb.