Day 37: Pedrouzo (Arca) - Santiago, 19.3 km.
We woke this morning knowing this would be our last night together on the road to Santiago. Our last morning ritual packing up everything we have, putting it back into the exact same place it lives in our pack, to carry it all day long on our back. Our last full day of walking together on The Way. Today is the day we have talked about, dreamed about, and manifested for 6+ months. Today is the day we reach Santiago.
The day starts like every other con leche and then one foot in front of the other. A lovely walk through the woods inclusive of baby farm animals we ascribe meaning to believing they represent new beginnings. We summit Monte de Goza, the Mount of Joy, and revel in its beautiful sculpture. And then there is the long, less then interesting slog into the city like every other city we trekked into.
We are blessed today with reconnecting with our Camino friends. We met Hannah on the road out of Arca, which makes my heart very happy. Then, just as I was experiencing how surreal the moment felt, walking down the street next to The Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, suddenly…standing there, arms open wide with the most welcoming smile ever, Marina! She was waiting for us as we arrived at the Cathedral. Such a sweet reunion. It was at that moment the tears came. The overwhelm was more then I could process so it just leaked out of my eyes.
Marina let us take it in for a while, and then showed us down the street and around the corner to the Pilgrimage office. This is where you must show them your pilgrim’s passport and prove you truly walked The Way. We waited 1.5 hours in line to make our pilgrimage a documented part of history...we have our Compostelas to show for it. Bryan officially walked 505 km and I officially walked 799 km. BUEN CAMINO!!!
After making this all official, it was time for food and vino tinto and to find the Airbnb I reserved for a couple of nights to complete the festivities. Tomorrow is our pilgrim's Cathedral ritual and mass. The magnitude of this is yet to be revealed.