Day 36:  Arzua - Pedrouzo (Arca), 19.4 km. 

Julia texted this afternoon, "on a scale from drenched to drowning, how wet are you guys?" My answer:  "to the bone!" 😄 Today was all about the rain.  It was 60 degrees and no wind so the rain was really very doable even if nonstop.  We started in dark eucalyptus forests with lightening and thunder. We ended with the last 3km in a torrential downpour.  Everything in between was steady, constant rain. It was raining so hard at the end the river of water on the path was up to our ankles. I found it all quite hilarious and literally could not stop laughing. I had fun dancing in the rain!!  

Arriving in Arco, we began our search for our habiticiòn. The first 2 places were full and then the magic of the Camino brought us to our perfect stop for the night. We were welcomed in, even though we were soaking wet and dripping all over the place. We were told by the owner Manuel, he didn't like hotel energy, he wants us to make this our home. There is a kitchen, living room, lovely backyard and garden, breakfast in the AM, and he even took all our laundry to clean and return folded. He recommended a restaurant with vegetarian risotto and amazing red wine. He was so kind and generous, we are feeling grateful...and emotional. This is the last night on the road before reaching Santiago.  

It’s hard to process…Santiago tomorrow.  Thoughts.  Feelings.  No words.  

Cheryl Geoffrion