Day 28: El Acebo - Ponferrada, 16.2 km.

The day started with zero visibility in the mountains. We took our time over breakfast and started walking once the fog began to lift. The decent across and down the mountain range was magical, with the birds singing and the views coming to life. We went through a couple stunning little mountain towns and by noon we found ourselves back in civilization.

We arrived in Ponferrada for lunch. We were playing with the choice of just staying or continuing on…after all, it was just lunchtime. Yet, to continue walking, all the towns past this point  are quite small, so we decided to stay here for the night. The next town we want to overnight in is 23 km away, which will be a perfect walking day tomorrow. I love that walking 16 km has now become a 1/2 day off...what a treat.

The castle here was built from 1218 - 1282, by the Knights Templar, to defend the Road to Santiago. Sadly, they were only able to enjoy their finished work for less than 30 years. The Knights had become very powerful and political and therefore became feared by those who ruled. France started arresting the Knights in 1307 and Spain followed in 1308. By 1312, the Order had been dissolved.

Week 4 update:  official Camino km:  578.1km/359.2mi. Fitbit includes all walking = 409.44 miles/659km.

Cheryl Geoffrion