Chamonix: Hike to Chalet des Pyramides

Now it’s time to hike from Chalet du Glacier des Bossons to Chalet des Pyramides. This trail is very steep switchbacks all the way up the mountain. You know it’s steep when they occasionally put in stairs with metal chains and railings. The trail is mostly wooded until you break out near the top with stunning views of Bossons Glacier on one side, and the Taconnaz Glacier and Mont Blanc on the other. I feel like I am really getting my hiking legs now. Still breathing hard on the uphill but I am now able to pass old couples with walking sticks and families with small children. It’s the little accomplishments right!?! I’ll take the wins where I can get them.

Chalet des Pyramides is this small oasis that appears when you least expect it. I was looking down watching where I was walking to make sure I didn’t trip and fall off the mountain and it appeared above me with no way to get my attention until I was upon it. And what perfect timing. I love this place. The Chalet serves hot and cold meals, sandwiches, dessert, wine, coffee, and more. And of all those choices of course I went with the croûte au fromage again. It’s hot melted cheese, bread, wine, and cream (no cherry tomatoes this time) and you really can’t go wrong with a combination like that. Ever!! And the views just never get old!

Hiking and mountain chalets make me happy!! It’s also nice to have a pit stop on occasion...and this one was a good old fashion outhouse that required a climb. What’s up with everything around here requiring a hike uphill?!?

Chalet Des Pyramides Alt 1895m


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